Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
The curriculum for each student will be guided by his Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Every student will have a plan formulated for his own interests and abilities. This ILP will help guide the process along with input from staff and parents.
What is an ILP?
a summary of each student’s strengths, needs, interests, hopes, and expectations for learning during the school year;
a written plan of action prepared by a team – the teacher, the parent, and the student.
a tool to help us communicate and connect with our students and their families;
a flexible and working document that will be adjusted regularly and whenever necessary;
It is NOT a set of expectations for ALL students.
What will be included in the ILP?
The student’s strengths, needs, dreams, interests, and hopes
Any relevant medical and/or health information
Any relevant assessment data
Specific goals and expectations for the student
Program modifications if applicable
Any accommodations required
© 2017 by Union Pointe Academy.